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Amen, yes, this could not have landed for me at a more perfect moment.
Good article. I completely identify with reading Robbie Burns out loud. In fact, I have committed to memory certain passages of his that I enjoy reciting aloud to others with a Scottish brogue when the occasion is appropriate. For example: “O wad some Power the giftie gie us / To...
I wonder how many others here started reading out loud part way through this post? I certainly did! I have a chequered history with reading aloud. I have always been a proficient reader. I am of an age when we used to read aloud in school (do they still?...
Reading silently works best for me! I understand, and retain, most by seeing the text. If i listen to a podcast, i am distracted by the sounds of people's voices and the personal dynamics, but when i read a transcript, i understand it cool and clearly. It's exciting to...
I've been reading aloud to my husband nearly every night for 30 years, before we turn the light off. '
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