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NOTE: If you have checked your spam folder and have not received the confirmation email after a little while, please contact me. -David
hi david, I signed up for updates but haven’t got the email confirmation link, not in the spam either. Thanks.
Love your blog! So down to earth and downright helpful :)
Same here. Although it’s been only about 10 minutes. Maybe it’ll arrive later.
David; I am so happy to hear that you read and enjoyed Jane Eyre so much.
I first read it while camping at Riding Mountain when I was 13 years old. I walked around in a daze, over the moon with what I now call, my most loved book of all time.
I am now 43 but I continue to read Jane Eyre on a regular basis. It still gives me the same joy as it did all those years ago.
Just to let you know that I DID receive your confirmation email and was able to confirm.