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This Will Never Happen Again

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Nothing is permanent.  That’s not really news, but it may mean more than you think, on a day-to-day level.

In each moment, everything around you is constantly changing, and it never changes back. It’s always new.

Some changes are subtle, some dramatic, but all of it is changing.

Life is uncertain by its very nature.  Except for this:

No matter what is happening right now,

It will never happen again.

Not quite like this anyway.

Think about where you are, and who you are, today. Whatever your situation is as a whole, it belongs entirely to today.

You will never have exactly these same problems again. Some will disappear, some will get worse, and some were never problems at all.

You’ll never have exactly these same advantages again. You could lose any of your capabilities at any time: your possessions, your sight, your mobility, your freedom, your mind.

You can be certain you will lose all of them, you just don’t know when, and which will disappear first.

It’s easy to spot similarities and patterns in your life. But true repetition can only be imagined. Tedium and boredom are both patterns of thought, not circumstance.

Your situation is an extremely delicate and unstable structure, it just can’t stay the way it is.  Too many moving parts.  Things give out, break, and float away. And in their wake is something — or someone — new and unforeseeable.

Your to-do list and your inbox will never again contain today’s unique assortment of hopes and worries. By next month you will have moved on from most of it. By next year you’ll be someone else anyway.

Your kids will never be exactly this age again.

This group of friends you hang around with, they’ll never be the same group of friends as they are today.

Next time they’ll be slightly different people, in slightly different places in their lives, and in yours.

Maybe you’ve already seen one of them for the last time.

The way you feel right now will never be felt again, at least not quite. Your mood right now, and all its nuances and complexities, is as unique as a fingerprint.

When you go to bed tonight, whatever palette of worries or dreams your mind is featuring… that particular show is one night only.

The way the light is playing off the table, as you drink your morning coffee, will never appear again. To anyone.

Think about everyone in the world around you: your family, the faces in the media, the passers-by on the street, the seven-figure bigshots downtown, factory workers, convicts, Members of Parliament, poets, ex-girlfriends, child prodigies, football jocks, internet marketing gurus, bishops, gamblers, authors, class clowns and cable guys.

Every one of them, in a good hundred years, will be dead.

Their stories will be over, and the whole planet will be inherited by all new people. This is a certainty, if there is such a thing.

This is it. There are no rehearsals, and no reruns.

Happy, sad, problems or no problems, ready or not… the camera’s rolling, and it’s on you.

However you felt yesterday, recognize today that we are now officially on the air.

We are live.

You will never be this young again.

Photo by Muffet

Dan Miranda June 4, 2009 at 2:24 am

Your posts are so inspiring, I want to do work every time I read them. Which is fitting because that’s never going to happen again (the work). I could have felt the hair on my neck quiver as I sifted through the words, “However you felt yesterday, recognize today that we are now officially on the air. We are live. You will never be this young again.” Life changing. Simply, life changing.

Anyhow, I really want to point out a couple of key points from this post because it really changed my point of view – like most excellent posts do – and taught me a lot. Here are my six key points:

1. If you have a good idea, waiting is precisely the last thing you should do. You might ask how this is related with your post. Because you will never be this young again, you should take advantage of that time and apply those ideas into greater and newer things. I had some great ideas and this post is going to help me put them to action.

2. Live in the now. If your not living in the now, you are not living at all. It has just slipped my mind who said the quote “A man thinking about the past and worrying about the future is a slave to the present.” That man’s quote was a concise version of this post.

3. Appreciate your family. You might never have the same opportunity to love and appreciate those around you. Take time now to thank them for all they have done for you. It might sound a little cheesy in the now, but trust me, it’ll be worth it in the long run. Five years from now no one will care about those small mistakes, but your small moments of joy will stand out.

4. Build a legacy, not a history. Because of the cynical fact that everyone is going to be dead in a “good one hundred years” being the new hit thing doesn’t matter, but being your best self and being remembered by countless amounts of others will. For instance, just look at Crocs, just another a fad. But when you take a look at Microsoft, they’ve built enough brand equity to never go out of business. Build brand equity from a personal stand point.

5. What matters now, probably won’t matter in five years, let alone ten. Meaning precisely to forgive and forget as soon as possible because your enemies are soon to be your friends. A large quarrel now will likely result in happiness later. Your comrades in a year will be the ones you hated the one before. If you forgive, those enemies will likely become friends in no time.

6. Most of all this post taught me keep things in perspective. If things aren’t in perspective, they probably should be. Getting mad over a small detail is a waste of your time, and most likely breath too. Keeping things in perspective is the key to success is the long term answer to having a successful life.

I really felt I appreciate more after reading that passage. I feel like I want to spread happiness to everyone that I know. From there I feel like I want to be my best self. And I’m not exaggerating. It really was a top notch piece of writing. Probably one of the best posts on self-improvement I’ve ever read.

Dan Miranda’s last blog post..30 Reasons To Believe In Yourself

Roger - A Content Life June 4, 2009 at 7:02 am

Thanks for reminding me that every moment of life is precious and unique.

“Every one of them, in a good hundred years, will be dead.”

I sometimes think of this when I look at old photos of Philadelphia. There is this book that shows old photos and current photos of Philadelphia from exactly the same perspective but 70 or 100 year apart. I realize most of the people in the old photos are dead. it’s a sobering thought.

Roger – A Content Life’s last blog post..Meditation for Beginners (Week 5) – Walking Meditation

Lisis June 4, 2009 at 7:45 am

Nothing Lasts.

This reminded me of Brad Pitt’s speech, in Troy, where he says the gods envy us because we are mortal. Each moment is special, and to be savored, because it may be our last.


Lisis’s last blog post..What I Learned From A Stripper

Dot June 4, 2009 at 8:07 am

Beautiful photo. I may be coming at this from the wrong perspective, but this post made me feel very sad. I guess there are a lot of people and relationships I’d like to hold onto. without losing them.

Dot’s last blog post..Creating a Household Notebook

Nadia - Happy Lotus June 4, 2009 at 9:58 am

Hi David,

Great minds think alike, David. My post on my blog today is on the same topic but from a different angle but the message is the same. Actually, Lisis said that my post is a companion post to yours. Anyway….nothing really matters except for the moment because life can change in an instant. :)

Nadia – Happy Lotus’s last blog post..When The Time Is Right

suzen June 4, 2009 at 10:18 am

Profound thoughts beautifully expressed! It is such a pleasure to come and read your blogs – you GET IT! There are millions of people on this planet fretting, stressing, worrying, creating their own personal versions of hell on earth – makes me shudder. Life is simple and life is this moment. That’s it. You can see heaven, or you can see hell in this moment – the choice is yours – and you are right, it won’t ever be the same moment ever again. My dad used to kids around saying “Oh in a hundred years this won’t matter” trying to kid me out of a funk or problem when I was little. I never realized what a great philosopher the man was!

Thanks for this post. It’s like my soul went to a spa for the moment! :)

suzen’s last blog post..The Golden Halo Twins – Intention and Commitment

Positively Present June 4, 2009 at 10:34 am

Such a great post and so beautifully written. You are so right — all we have is this moment and we will never again have it back again so it’s important to appreciate it. Have you read The Power of Now? You might like it. I found it pretty inspiring and interesting to think about. Sometimes when I think about how each moment is gone forever after it passes, I feel scared. It’s odd to think about it like that, that life is passing us by and there’s nothing at all we can do about it. But then I remind myself to let go, to live in the moment, to just be, and I find that I’m much happier when I focus on the now. Again, really great post!

Positively Present’s last blog post..hope springs internal

David June 4, 2009 at 11:34 am

Dan — Hey, great summary Dan. I’m discovering that keeping things in perspective is the principle behind almost everything I do to be a happy person. I guess that means that existence is generally pretty awesome, the only problem is that we have a hard time recognizing it.

Roger — That’s the ultimate in perspective, to look at our lives in a greater timeline. We’re just flashes in the pan at that level, it’s a shame to waste any of it.

Lisis — Everything returns to dust, c’est la vie.

Dot — Sorry Dot, I didn’t mean to make you sad. We are impermanent and we can’t do anything about it, but to really comprehend that that is very liberating. To know everything as fleeting can really help a person release attachments and accept things as they are. When we feel like things (and people) are permanent, we are in danger of taking them for granted.

Nadia — Great minds! You’re totally right, the moment itself, and not its contents, is the only thing of absolute importance.

Suzen — Thanks Suzen. I feel like I get a lot of things I didn’t used to get, but it makes me realize there must be a lot out there I’m totally missing.

Thanks for this post. It’s like my soul went to a spa for the moment!

What a lovely compliment. Thank you so much.

Dani — Yes, I’ve read The Power of Now; Eckhart Tolle has been a huge influence on my perspective.

Yesterday I was in a terrible mood during my drive home, and I figured I didn’t have the clarity or patience to either write or do my workout. But I’ve learned to sit and look at a bad mood as just another feature in the moment, and go from there. So just sat in it for a while, did my workout anyway, wrote anyway, and felt great by the end of it.

David’s last blog post..This Will Never Happen Again

Brenda June 4, 2009 at 1:31 pm

I think Suzen nailed it — you totally GET IT, David. Even the writing style you chose to use speaks to the simplicity of the message: Release and be present. The cameras are rolling. Get out of your head and into the moment. We’re live. Great post. :)

Brenda’s last blog post..Just Dance!

suzen June 4, 2009 at 2:42 pm

David – SO you’ve read Eckhart, well, it shows!! :) As for you thinking there must be other things out there to get yet – ummmm, not so much!! (this statement not so much comes from an old crone) Life is simple.

Did you read A New Earth when Tolle talks about the painbodies? Fascinating and insightful. I found it so helpful to learn about how to deal with people who have created such prisons for themselves emotionally.

suzen’s last blog post..The Golden Halo Twins – Intention and Commitment

Chris June 4, 2009 at 3:09 pm

Awesome post, the day will never be repeated nor will the ups and downs. Its important we accept our negative feelings as well as our positives as they all play an important part in our lives. Without bad we couldn’t have the good times. Just let thoughts flow and be present, without grasping to thoughts we stop putting labels on things and use our minds the way they were supposed to be used…….

Chris’s last blog post..Stone Age Remedies For Feeling Down

Sean June 4, 2009 at 5:28 pm

Yet another excellent post which made me think, and I do love a good session of pondering! This is a topic that is near and dear to my heart. Life is not a dress rehearsal.

One can’t really appreciate how much they have in their life and how much they mean to other people until it is all taken away. How many times has each of us come with in a few inches of a cataclysmic tragedy and not even known it?
Everyday that you wake up is a day that will never happen again. Live your life and stop waiting for it to start.

khaleiyla June 5, 2009 at 2:18 am

with the way i’m feeling lately, the rawness of your post today has put things in perspective…thank you for the reminder…

David June 5, 2009 at 6:33 am

Brenda — When I think of life as being live, it really jolts me into action.

Suzen — Yes I’ve read A New Earth a couple of times. One day I will do a post about painbodies.

Chris — Here’s a great song with this same message: Do You Realize??

Sean and khaleiyla — That’s right, it is all about perspective, and loss is one of the most effective ways of enforcing perspective. But it isn’t the only one.

jeff June 5, 2009 at 8:26 am

Great post. I am reminded of one of my favourite poem by Walt Whitman, ‘Crossing Brooklyn Ferry’ which he wrote around 1900.

His voice addresses us across a century as though he speaks directly to us from the presenting past. So our voices, maybe through Blogs like these will speak to readers ‘ever so many hundred years hence’.

In contemplating those who have gone before I can appreciate the precious impermanence of the present. As they passed on so shall I.

Here are a couple of stanzas.

‘Others will enter the gates of the ferry, and cross from shore to shore;
Others will watch the run of the flood-tide;
Others will see the shipping of Manhattan north and west, and the heights of Brooklyn to the south and east;
Others will see the islands large and small;
Fifty years hence, others will see them as they cross, the sun half an hour high;
A hundred years hence, or ever so many hundred years hence, others will see them,
Will enjoy the sunset, the pouring in of the flood-tide, the falling back to the sea of the ebb-tide….

Just as you feel when you look on the river and sky, so I felt;
Just as any of you is one of a living crowd, I was one of a crowd;
Just as you are refresh’d by the gladness of the river and the bright flow, I was refresh’d;
Just as you stand and lean on the rail, yet hurry with the swift current, I stood, yet was hurried;
Just as you look on the numberless masts of ships, and the thick-stem’d pipes of steamboats, I look’d.’

jeff’s last blog post..Presence

Albert | UrbanMonk.Net June 5, 2009 at 8:47 am

Profound stuff, David. I’ve read some accounts of the perspectives of enlightened beings and because of the very thought you describe here, even something like brushing their teeth is an exciting adventure. Imagine that!

Albert | UrbanMonk.Net’s last blog post..Love and Compassion Can Defeat Suffering And Depression

prayerthegate June 5, 2009 at 12:19 pm

So easy to think things are permanent. Thanks for the reminders. Sieze the day, and have a fabulous weekend.

prayerthegate’s last blog post..Balance

Luther April 15, 2014 at 9:01 am

People experiment with their looks, clothes and accessories, yet they
forget to personalize their computers and gadgets.
Every one need fame but its not now hard because if you have your video
then submit it youtube. There are two different ways
to achieve a wallpaper change.

David June 5, 2009 at 5:29 pm

Jeff — That was beautiful Jeff. You absolutely nailed it with that passage. I will have to read more of Walt Whitman, I’m always so impressed with his work.

Albert — Yes, and I’ve felt glimpses of that sense of adventure and bliss in mundane experiences. I’m convinced it is always there in every moment, behind the veil of thought.

Prayerthegate — You too!

Nicole June 5, 2009 at 5:49 pm

Awareness of fleeting mortality only drives my desire to cultivate something special.

Nicole’s last blog post..Weight, Image and Losing it – Part 2

Lori June 6, 2009 at 3:40 am

I’m late to this party, but I wanted to let you know how much I love this post. I have many times handed the present over to my memories and feelings. Although I’m far more aware of it these days, I still have that tendency on occasion. When now starts slipping through my fingers, I’ll read this again. Truly beautiful words.

Lori’s last blog post..You Are Nothing…and That’s a Good Thing

alex - unleash reality June 6, 2009 at 8:51 am


that was one of those “hah! that’s so true” moments. in the beginning i was like, “yeah yeah another spiel about everything changes” and then i read “no matter what is happening right now, it will never happen again” and i was like BAM! wrote it down on a piece of paper and stuck it on my shelf :)

one of the more power paths to presence i’ve found in a while.

really liked the way you put the “palette of wories…show is one night only” :P

This is it. – one of my favourite quotes.

really inspiring stuff.

all the best
alex – unleash reality

vomle June 7, 2009 at 6:33 am


Nate @ ItStartsWith.Us June 7, 2009 at 9:17 am

Great stuff as usual, David. I forwarded this on to a friend. Thanks!

Nate @ ItStartsWith.Us’s last blog post..Who Do You Know? (Part II)

Chris Edgar | Purpose Power Coaching June 8, 2009 at 12:09 am

Thanks for this David. I think the scariest part, but the most liberating part, of the perspective you present here is that I am not the same person I was a minute ago, nor will I be the same person in the next minute. It’s totally arbitrary to say “the body sitting here a minute ago was Chris E., and the body a minute later will be Chris E. as well.” Realizing there is no person, no “I,” that has to be protected and has all these problems and so on sounds like the most freeing thing we could ever see.

Wisdom J C November 2, 2009 at 5:38 am

To whom soever this belongs,
The God of this universe had designed us to be with Him and He did not want to change that plan of His.The first man and woman sinned against God and through them we all became sinners. From then onwards changes began to come into this world. As people started going away from the Lord , their Creator, naturally change has occured- because we were not designed to be far from him. The Holy Bible says in Romans 3:23, ” For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”
in Romans 6:23 “for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord”. We sinners need to have a change in our lives. God loves everybody including you and so even though we all are sinners He decided to take the initiative to help us understand that this change has come because of our sins.In John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only begotten son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life”. Jesus Christ, the son of God had come into this world for this very purpose to stop this difference. Now God wants us to take the step to return to Him through Jesus Christ. But this is possible only when we simply put our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and accept the sacrifice He made on our behalf on the cross. Every one who believes in the name of Jesus Christ from their heart and confesses with their mouth that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead will be saved and have eternal life with God and there will be no more change to that .In Matthew 24:35 “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away”. The word of God will never, never ever change and so is God and all those who belong to Him.
Truthfully speaking after going through this site and after reading ur friends comments, I felt as though all of you are either afraid of facing your past or afraid of accepting change in ur life. Everyday of ur life is meaningless without Jesus Christ. I belong to Jesus Christ and I can feel that He loves you all and wants to bring a change in your all lives. In 2 Corinthians 5:17 ” Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;the old has gone, the new has come!”.
There is a saying that there is only one life and it will soon be past and only what you do for Christ will last..
All of our past will be shown on the day of judgement- it will appear before you (all) and you (all) are accountable for that.
Get right now the only way to receive forgiveness for everybody’s sins…. Jesus Christ is waiting for you. In Revelation 3:20 “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me”.
I would like to conclude by saying one more truthful fact–
For some, opportunities comes once only but some get a seccond or third chance. Sometimes opportunities may not be repeated. Ask the Lord for wisdom to understand what you need to do when you get an opportunity that He is giving you in this present day and life. Never say next time to the Lord because you donot know whether you will be lucky to get another one. So be wise…

David November 2, 2009 at 11:58 am

When you offer thoughts that are yours alone, people will listen. Don’t be afraid to do that.

Nemo January 28, 2010 at 10:45 pm

very sobering observation. Mortality seems to be what compels us to live or lives and seize the day. If the timer wasn’t counting down would you take any risks?

David February 1, 2010 at 8:11 pm

Great question Nemo. If we had infinite time there’d definitely be a decline in adrenaline sports :)

Honeymoon March 15, 2010 at 12:41 pm

This is really sad, especially about our kids – They will never be of the same age again. :-(
.-= Honeymoon´s last blog ..Honeymoon in Santo Domingo =-.

David March 15, 2010 at 2:28 pm

Hi Honeymoon. It doesn’t have to be sad. They are the age they are right now! Enjoy.

William MacLeod November 16, 2010 at 10:19 pm

This Will Never Happen Again :( You see this is all wrong, really wrong

This Will Happen Again :) You see this is all right, really right, and that’s why we need this help to say that it will happen again.

Everything and something is permanent. That’s really news, but it may mean more than you think, on a day-to-day level.

In each moment, everything around you is constantly changing, and it forever changes back. It’s always new and old.

Some changes are subtle, some dramatic, but all of it is changing and still will hopefully stay the same forever and ever.

Life is certain by its very nature. Except for this:
No matter what is happening right now,

It will forever and ever happen again, I really hope, which is why we really need this help because I really need to find a way of how one thing I would like to tell you is the depression will forever and ever bring the past back to life, and I know it really will, as hopefully I really want to live and stay and be alive forever and ever for a lot of decades, centuries, milleniums and years and just to keep living forever and ever as we still need to say that there’s forever gonna be another 1996-2010..

Yes, still quite like this anyway of only the good things from the past, I really hope.

Think about where you are, and who you are, of both today and yesterday. Whatever your situation is as a whole, it belongs entirely to both today and yesterday.

You will never have exactly these same problems of only the bad things again, but what I’m really trying to say is that you will have exacty these same good things again, as only some of the bad things will only disappear, some of the bad things will get worse, and some of only the good things that will come back were never problems at all.

You’ll really forever have exactly these same good advantages again. You could never lose any of your capabilities at any time of only the good things: your possessions, your sight, your mobility, your freedom, your mind.

You can be certain you will lose all of only the bad things, you just don’t know when, and which will disappear first as we only want the bad things to disappear and we really need to try to only keep the good things, which is why I really need help to really forever have exactly these same good advantages again as you could never lose any of your capabilities at any time of only the good things: your possessions, your sight, your mobility, your freedom, your mind.

It’s easy to spot similarities and patterns in your life. But true repetition can only be not only sometimes imagined. Tedium and boredom are both patterns of thought, not circumstance.

Your situation is an extremely delicate and unstable structure, it just can also stay the way it is. Too many moving parts. Things not only give out, break, and float away. And in their wake is something — or someone — new and old and unforeseeable.

Your to-do list and your inbox will again contain today and yesterday’s unique assortment of hopes and never the worries. By next month you will have moved on from most of te bad things. By next years of 1996-2010 you’ll be someone else anyway, as I really want people to believe in me that there’s forever gonna be another 1996-2010, because 1996 will forever come back and be repeated again as from now on for people to relive in those same years only, they could only relive it from 1996 all because of when the real top best fun had actually really began and that’s why I wanted to show the real truth.

Your kids will be exactly this age again. I’m trying to say is that you don’t only live once, you only live forever and ever, and that’s why I had and wanted to show the real truth.

This group of friends you hang around with, they’ll still forever be sometimes the same group of friends as they are today.

Next time they’ll be slightly different and the same people, in slightly different places in their lives, and in yours, of well, I rest my case.

Maybe you’ve already seen one of them for the last time, but the real plan is to never see no one for the last time.

The way you feel right now will forever be felt again, at least as quite. Your mood right now, and all its nuances and complexities, is as unique as a fingerprint.

When you go to bed tonight, whatever palette of worries or dreams your mind is featuring… that particular show is one night only (but it will be repeated again).

The way the light is playing off the table, as you drink your morning strawberry smoothie, will appear again. To anyone.

Think about everyone in the world around you: your family, the faces in the media, the passers-by on the street, the cowboys and cowgirls from the 1996-2010-present, the seven-figure bigshots downtown, factory workers, convicts, Members of Parliament, poets, ex-girlfriends, child prodigies, football jocks, internet marketing gurus, bishops, gamblers, authors, class clowns and cable guys.

What I’m really trying to say is that this is all wrong that “Every one of them, in a good hundred years, will be dead”, but that’s just fiction, but really, what I’m actually really trying to say is that “Every one of them, in a good hundred years, will never be dead but will only just really stay alive forever and ever, be alive forever and ever and of course, yes, yup, you live forever and ever”.

Their stories will never be over, and the whole planet will be inherited by all new and old people. This is a certainty, if or there is such a thing, as we know there’s forever gonna be another 1996-2010 rodeo seasons, which is why we need to say is that we and a lot of the new people really need to work hard just to try relive those real fun of them again forever and ever as we would like to repeat and copy a lot of those same runs of the roping that is why we really need to bring the past back to life, to try to make it all real again for everybody, so they can forever be repeated again just to turn back the wheels of history to rewind those things and have the repeats, because of how good the roping runs are and why we really need to rope in the rodeos and just wish that we could really do this more often forever and ever, which is why I really need this help, OK?

This is it. There are a lot of rehearsals, and a lot of reruns, thank god, which is why we need to hope that that’ll happen again as we don’t only live once, only forever and ever.

Happy, sad, problems or no problems, ready or not… the camera’s rolling, and it’s on you, and that’s gonna be repeated again as it’s OK that you want to relive and do the same ones to keep bringing them back to life forever and ever, which is why I wish I could be doing the same things of the roping in the real rodeos more often.

However you felt yesterday, recognize today and also yesterday that we are now officially on the air.
We are live.
You will forever be this young again, you know that, we will forever be this young again, because we need to hope that a lot of the new people and all of us really need to try to work hard to just keep reliving the whole 1996-2010-present rodeo seasons, as you actually really will forever be this young again, and that’s why I had to try to show the real truth, and that really is the truth.

I really want to try to still keep hopefully trying to keep on going forever and ever to open calf ropings when I’m at 99 years of age and the professional rodeos at 99 years of age just to try to keep roping at the open ropings of the Mo’betta calf roping in Apache, Oklahoma and the Spicer Gripp Memorial Roping in Hereford, Texas at 99 years of age and keep roping and competing at the NFR at 99 years of age forever and ever, which is why I just wish I could be roping at clinics more often and the real professional rodeos more often, just because I really like to practice and do a lot of calf roping for real scientific precision and action, as I wish I could keep roping in the NFR more often forever and ever, just to hope I can still keep forever and ever rope in the NFR forever and ever, just to try to show the crowd that I could be tough to rope and tie very fast at 99 years of age and 999 years of age with all the young and old competitors so they could think that I was one of the true calf ropers that had ever lived forever and ever for a lot of decades, centuries, milleniums and years and just to keep living forever and ever because that’s really going to happen again (the roping in the rodeos and open calf ropings). I could think, “However you felt yesterday, recognize both today and yesterday that we are now officially on the air. We are live. You will really hopefully forever be this young again. You don’t only live once” Life changing and not changing. Simply, life changing and not changing.

Here are my six key points:
1. If you have a good idea, waiting is precisely the last thing you should do. You might ask how this is related with your post. Because you will forever again be this young again, you should take advantage of that time and apply those ideas into greater and newer and also the older things. I had some great ideas and this is going to help keep me put them to action as I really want to keep roping and tying up calves forever and ever for a lot of repeats in the professional rodeos at 99 and 1099 years of age just to try to keep roping at the open ropings of the Mo’betta calf roping in Apache, Oklahoma, Calgary Stampede in Calgary, Alberta and the Spicer Gripp Memorial Roping in Hereford, Texas at 99 years of age and keep roping and competing at the NFR at 99 years of age forever and ever, which is why I just wish I could be roping at clinics more often and the real professional rodeos more often.
2. Live in the now and also only just the real top best years of how to try to relive the 1996-2010 as we’ll still forever and ever keep another John Wayne and John Denver. If your living in the now, you are still living at all forever and ever. It has just slipped my mind when I thought of the new quote “A man or rodeo cowboy or rodeo cowgirl thinking about the past of only the good things and letting a lot of other people reliving the 1996-2010-present real top best rodeo seasons is really never a slave to the present, you know that, it’s really never a slave to the present.” My real truth quote was a concise version of this post, well it’s true from what I said.
3. Appreciate your family. You might forever have the same opportunity to love and appreciate those around you, as they enjoy watching you participate in the rodeo. Take time now to thank them for all they have done for you, so they can enjoy watching and wishing you good luck in the rodeo. It might never sound a little cheesy in the now and yesterday, but trust me, it’ll really actually be worth it in the long run. Five years from now (as the now will still forever and ever come back to us again, right here again in real life, just to hope it can get repeated again) everyone will care about those small some good funny bloopers mistakes, but your small moments of joy will stand out and come back again.
4. Build a legacy, not a history. Because of the cynical fact that everyone is never going to be dead in a “good one hundred years”, we really want everyone to only live forever and ever and stay alive forever and ever for a lot of decades, centuries, milleniums, years and other things of being the new hit thing doesn’t matter, but being your best self and being remembered and coming back again in real life by countless amounts of others will take you back in real life so you can be repeated again forever. For instance, just look at Crocs, just another a fad. But when you take a look at Microsoft, they’ve built enough brand equity to never go out of business. Build brand equity from a personal stand point, and never retire from the rodeo calf roping event so you can repeat those same runs and keep going at them forever and ever at your calf roping.
5. What matters now, probably might matter in five years, let alone ten. Meaning precisely to not never forgive and forget as soon as possible because your enemies are soon to not be your friends. A large quarrel now will likely result in happiness later. Your comrades in a year will be the ones you hated the one before. If you forgive, those enemies will likely become friends in no time.
6. Most of all this post taught me keep things in perspective. If things aren’t in perspective, they probably should be. Getting happy over a small detail is never a waste of your time, and most likely breathe too. Keeping things in perspective is the key to success is the long term answer to having a successful life, just to say that time can also run forever backward, as well too, just to try to bring the past back to life, so we can repeat and really try to become those cowboys, trying to hope that there’s forever gonna be another one of them, and I really want this to be true.
I really felt I appreciate more after reading that real truth ways to bring back 1996-2010-present. I feel like I want to spread happiness to everyone that I know, because I want to say that after the years of 2030 and 2060, yes, there’s still forever and ever gonna be another 1996-2010 (which is what we need God to do to help us relive those rodeo seasons again). From there I feel like I want to be my best self and work hard to become Joe Beaver and Josh Peek when I grow up. And I’m not exaggerating and depressed. It really was a top notch piece of writing just to try to make it true and happy. Probably one of the best posts on self-improvement I’ve ever read that will help us find a way to think about what the whole outcome of the tie-down steer roping event was really like.

Every moment of life is precious and unique and there will still be another 1996-2010 forever and ever after the year 2060.
“Every one of them, in a good hundred years, will never be dead, you know that, they’ll live forever and ever, as each highlight moment is special, and to be savored, because it will never be our last, but that’s why we don’t only have this one moment, as we really need it to hopefully get repeated again.

I am really so right — all we have is this moment and we will again have it back again forever and ever so it’s important to appreciate it, because we really need to work hard to keep reliving a lot of the real truth years of the 1996-2010-present. Sometimes when I think about how each moment is gone forever (but each moment will never be gone forever as it will come back again, I hope) after it passes but it will never pass, I feel scared, that’s why we really need to work hard to keep reliving a lot of the real truth years of the 1996-2010-present. It’s odd to think about it like that, that life is passing us by and there’s something at all we can actually really do about it. But then I remind myself to not let go of the good things, but to still live in the moment, to just be and still keep reliving only the real years from now on of just the 1996-2010-present to keep John Wayne’s movies and John Denver’s music, and I find that I’m much happier when I focus on the now and the yesterday, I still know that again for real life, there’s still forever and ever gonna be another 1996-2010-present rodeo seasons, as we’ll get them back somehow.

Again, the day will be repeated and will the ups and downs. Its important we accept our negative feelings as well as our positives as they all play an important part in our lives and still keep reliving 1996-2010. Without bad we couldn’t have the good times. Just let thoughts flow and be present and past, without grasping to thoughts we stop putting labels on things and use our minds the way they were supposed to be used to use the real non-fiction time machine to help us keep reliving the 1996-2010-present years of the real fun to keep John Wayne’s movie and John Denver’s music……. One can really appreciate how much they have in their life and how much they mean to other people until it is never going to be taken away. How many times has each of us come with in a few inches of a cataclysmic tragedy and not even known it?
Everyday that you wake up is a day that will happen again, you know that. Live your life and stop waiting for it to start, but still keep reliving the 1996-2010-present years forever and ever.

That was one of those “hah! that’s so true” moments. in the beginning I was like, “yeah yeah another spiel about everything changes and still remains the same” and then i read “no matter what is happening right now, it will happen again” and I was like BAM, I knew there was forever gonna be another 1996-2010 rodeo seasons to keep watching what the whole outcomes were like in the calf roping ever! wrote it down on a piece of paper and stuck it on my shelf

This is never really sad, but really happy especially about our kids – They will be of the same age . They are the age they are right now and yesterday! Enjoy getting that time machine to keep reliving the 1996-2010-present and they’ll forever get repeated again, I promise you they really will, I really need to hope?

How can you go back to the past? Easy….travel faster than the speed of light… Can anyone go from present to past? Yes but not only in memories, but, for sure, in a real time machine :) How fast do you have to go back in time? Faster than light. The faster you go, the slower time goes, until you hit the speed of light, whereupon time stops. Once you go faster than that (299, 792 458 metres per second) , time goes backward.

We believe time travel to the past is really possible. The event has happened. It is a fixed event – an occurrence in time. Therefore it can be hopefully visited, which is why I really need this help, OK. However I do believe time travel is all possible and these can only be created as we move both forwards and backwards in time, also forever backwards, right here again in real life.

We’re like a family. This hit so close to home. During the opening, I think there were sometimes tears or never tears on every guy’s face. You have to have faith and keep going. There’s a reason for everything and you have to still go both backward and forward, you can go backward, in whatever you do, you can still go backward just to try and repeat these same kind of calf roping runs that will definitely make you a true real cowboy, which I hope that time travel will still be possible as long as I live forever and ever, and that’s why I really need this help, OK.

Time machines are also commonly seen in science non-fiction films, videos and books, but I really hope that someone knows how to build one, and it better be built soon.
However, it is possible to slow down time by travelling very fast and slow relative to someone who is stationary. This was predicted by MacLeod’s theory of relativity at the beginning of the 1996 (was when the real fun had really begun) and has since been proved many times that we can go back in time.

I really need some help to find a way to go back in time to those different years before these were photographed, as I hope that there’s a way to get to go back and watch to find out how those ropers really swung and threw his ropes in how many swings it took him and how many wraps to tie the calf with, as I wonder what and how they tie up the legs like, and I’ll go back in time to those images and I hopefully can, and I know I will with the real non-fiction time machine, as time travel is also non-fiction, belive me on that, as it would never ever be a lot of work to draw them, I just want help to find a way to go back in time to those years those were photographed, as I really hope that there’s a way to get to go back and watch to find out what and how did those ropers really swing and threw his ropes in how many swings it took them and how many wraps to tie the calf with, as I wonder what and how do they tie up the legs like, that’s what I really want to know, and I hope it’s really gonna work for me, someday, just to watch and see how they did it, as long as somebody does that favor to help me go there, just to see how it was done, and that’s why I really need the help to be able to as you can go back in time to try and watch how many swings did it take the roper to catch that calf and what does he tie up the legs of the calf like with how many wraps, and that’s why I really need this help, because I hope I can go back to watch what those ropers really did it like, and that’s why I want to make this true, OK?

I have a feeling with a real time machine that some and few favorite good things from the past will always come back someday, somehow and sometime, as I just never think about letting the good things pass, as I know one day, there’ll always be another 2007 NFR sometime, and I hope to get back to the 2007 NFR again. I also hope to get to the Mo’Betta calf roping and the World’s Richest Calf Roping by 2010, because I’ve really been wanting to go there. I’ll still enjoy the 2007 NFR as I hope to get back to the 2007 NFR sometime, and I think I really might be glad to do it again at some point as I have a feeling with a real time machine that some and few favorite good things from the past will always come back someday, somehow and sometime, as I just never think about letting the good things pass, as I know one day, there’ll always be another 2007 NFR sometime, and I hope to get back to the NFR again. I also hope to get to the Mo’Betta calf roping and the World’s Richest Calf Roping by 2010, because I’ve really been wanting to go there. I might one day think about making a college rodeo by 2011 or 2012. I have a feeling that I’m going to be a real rodeo and ranch cowboy at my rodeo tie-down calf roping skills at roping in the Mo’Betta, Calgary Stampede, the NFR, and other rodeos and also, I’ll be roping a few calves on the ranches, as if for branding. :) I have a feeling with a real time machine that some and few favorite good things from the past will always come back someday, somehow and sometime, as I just never think about letting the good things pass, as I know one day, there’ll always be another 2007 NFR sometime, and I hope to get back to the NFR again. I also hope to get to the Mo’Betta calf roping and the World’s Richest Calf Roping by 2010, because I’ve really been wanting to go there. The picture of the time machine was something as I really wish and figure that it’ll take me back to the 2007 NFR, and I know it’ll happen again, I hope, as I wish it wouldn’t depress me and worry me more that I just really sure hope that the rodeo, tie-down calf roping, horses, cattle and cowboys and making the rodeo DVD’s go on forever in the 21st century and the 100th century forever for a lot of years, decades, centuries and milleniums forever, because I really want to do calf roping in 2011, and I need to hope that 2020 and 2099 and 100th century that all the rodeos will go on forever and I’ll be calf roping forever at the age of 76, as I keep roping forever. What does it mean that however, rodeo cowboys are not necessarily working ranch cowboys, because I wasn’t born on the ranch and I really would like to rope and tie calves at the Mo’Betta roping, World’s Richest and the Calgary Stampede, because I would like to buy a nice place and just compete and do a lot of rodeos mostly and forever and it’s true, I really want to go to and compete at the National Finals Rodeo (NFR) in Las Vegas, Nevada, the Mo’Betta calf roping, and it’s true I really want to have it just to happen to me, as if and hopefully by 2011 or 2012, I’ll be on the rodeo circuit and first go in the college rodeo and then I really want to get some calf roping done and be on the DVD’s at the Mo’Betta calf roping, and I just really want to do calf roping at real rodeos in 2010 hopefully, as I really find and like this job just a very easy task to rope a moving calf from a moving horse and I know I can do it on the DVD’s at the Mo’Betta, just so I could repeat a lot of the same pictures, paintings, and video clips of every calf roping image, so I could try and repeat some of the same runs forever, I hope. I’d be glad to have my own home, so I could rodeo mostly and do a lot of calf roping forever, because that’s why I don’t know about 2014, 2015, 2020, 2036 and 2050 and 2060 that I just hope that calf roping will go on forever and I just wish I could be doing it, just so I could constantly live in the past of 2007 and 2009 forever, all about wanting to be on a rodeo DVD at my roping, as I hope everything’ll work out fine and OK with me, because I’m also worried by 2050 or 2090 or the 100th century and more forever. I hope that cowboys will be calf roping at the rodeos forever in 2050 and more other years.

Human mind, dreams, vision and imagination
Can transport one forward and backward in time.

Mind is the time machine to go to past and future
But time really forever also goes backward but also backward;
Also, time a little bit goes in circle but only straight!

Recollection of past is possible in the present;
Visualization of future is still possible in the present;
But one can go to the past or future ever now!

Hour glass can show the time like clock of today
But it can bring back the past to reality now
Or bring to our vision the future of world now!

Mind is the time machine that can read history;
Mind is the same machine to see the future too;
But time still forever really needs to hopefully go to the past but also to future, and also the past (just to hope it can be repeated again)! In my opinion it is really possible at all to go backwards in time. Even in the case of a hypothetical closed loop situation in GR would we univocally have to conclude that something went back in time? I do really think so, since we could alternatively interpret the results as an effect of non-locality.
To this effect, I would say that, in real life, if the future and also the past is somehow determined by what happened in the past – in a nontrivial way, you will be able to go back in time, and that’s why I really need this help to try to find a way that I really need some help to find a way to go back in time to those different years before these were photographed, as I hope that there’s a way to get to go back and watch to find out how those ropers really swung and threw his ropes in how many swings it took him and how many wraps to tie the calf with, as I wonder what and how they tie up the legs like, and I’ll go back in time to those images and I hopefully can, and I know I will with the real non-fiction time machine, as time travel is also non-fiction, belive me on that, as it would never ever be a lot of work to draw them, I just want help to find a way to go back in time to those years those were photographed, as I really hope that there’s a way to get to go back and watch to find out what and how did those ropers really swing and threw his ropes in how many swings it took them and how many wraps to tie the calf with, as I wonder what and how do they tie up the legs like, that’s what I really want to know, and I hope it’s really gonna work for me, someday, just to watch and see how they did it, as long as somebody does that favor to help me go there, just to see how it was done, and that’s why I really need the help to be able to as you can go back in time to try and watch how many swings did it take the roper to catch that calf and what does he tie up the legs of the calf like with how many wraps, and that’s why I really need this help, because I hope I can go back to watch what those ropers really did it like, and that’s why I want to make this true, OK?

Heck, if it works we can go back in time and get our money back as anything traveling with a speed less than the speed of Light will go also backward in time. Anything traveling with a speed equal to the speed of Light will still also travel in time. Anything traveling with a speed faster than the speed of light will go backward in time.

Or is God wanting us to Travel in time, THAT I WILL KNOW! :)

As these are not the real right ones as replace these old rodeo tapes of 1960s-1984 with a newer ones of the real fun that begins of the only ones that’ll forever and ever come back to us again forever and ever in real life of only the great top best real rodeo DVDs from when the real fun that began from 1996-present that contains the real truth as it really shows that I had to show the truth in the real ways to still move backward, the real truth is that 1996-present really began for a lot of fun in the real right place and the real right time — you are worthy to have your heart’s true desire from the real truth of when the real new fun that began in 1996 and all the way to the present and to keep moving both forward and backward, as there’ll forever still be another 1996-2010, and there’ll forever and ever still be another John Denver, another John Wayne, another Clint Eastwood and another 1996-2010, and those are for the real top fun best real rodeo seasons. All because to really just say is that instead of trying to live with the 1960s-1984, again forever and ever, let’s just say that from now on, the newer ones of the real fun that begins of the only ones that’ll forever and ever come back to us again forever and ever in real life of only the great top best real rodeo DVDs from when the real fun that began from 1996-present that contains just to show that I had to show the real truth as it really shows that I had to show the truth in the real ways to still move backward as well, too. And that the real done deal top truth is that 1996-present really began for a lot of fun in the real right place and the real right time — you are worthy to have your heart’s true desire from the real truth of when the real new fun that began in 1996 and all the way to the present and to keep moving both forward and backward, as there’ll forever still be another 1996-2010, and there’ll forever and ever still be another John Denver, another John Wayne, another Joe Beaver, antoher Josh Peek and another 1996-2010, and those are for the real top fun best real rodeo seasons, as but the dots are where I really say that they are. As I felt I had summed it up good right, yes, to say that we’ll still have a real time machine and that the newer ones of the real fun that begins of the only ones that’ll forever and ever come back to us again forever and ever in real life. Only the great top best real rodeo DVDs from when the real fun that began from 1996-present that contains just to show that I had to show the real truth as it really shows that I had to show the truth in the real ways to still move backward as well, too, and that the real truth is that 1996-present really began for a lot of fun in the real right place and the real right time — you are worthy to have your heart’s true desire from the real truth of when the real new fun that began in 1996 and all the way to the present and to keep moving both forward and backward, as there’ll forever still be another 1996-2010, and there’ll forever and ever still be another John Denver, another John Wayne, another Joe Beaver, another Josh Peek and another 1996-2010, as I really do feel happy with what I’m pretty much doing, and I do crave rodeo all the time, at all, right here again, in real life, right here, forever and ever as there may and will always really forever and ever be another “greatest rodeo calf roper ever” as Joe Beaver and Josh Peek are both my idols and I really want to become Joe Beaver and Josh Peek when I grow up. I can keep on being tough to just keep roping more calves forever and ever at the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas, Nevada at 99 years of age and many other more ages forever and ever, because roping calves is something I really love and enjoy to hopefully do forever, since I like calf roping for real scientific precision and action, as honestly and really believed, that from this day on, my life will even grow more. I am always here to stay forever and ever, long after I keep roping more calves in Las Vegas forever and ever, as if just to be tough to show the crowd that I could be tough to rope more calves forever and ever in Las Vegas at 99 years of age and many other ages, always forever and ever, as if just to try and hopefully show that I live forever and ever, never die, but I’ll really live forever and ever.” But I imagine that my wisdom for 99 years of age and after 99 years of age will still just help me beat ‘em forever at the Calgary Stampede just to show the crowd how tough I am at it and I’ll still be pretty athletic and I still think I can compete with them forever and ever, and that’s true as if I do think that I can beat somebody, I can. I still feel in my mind I can win the world again as much as I want to forever and ever and I also said that I’m committed to at least forever and ever more years to keep going so I can stay and be alive forever and ever on the trail, forever and ever as long as I really live, because after 99 years of age, I still want to keep going on the rodeo trail, forever, because roping calves is just something I really love, like to do and just enjoy forever and ever as I feel I can still be tough to keep on winning and say “I’m glad I’ll never retire from calf roping, never, as I really just like calf roping for real scientific precision and action, as that’s why I need to keep calf roping forever and ever as long as I live, and I’ll never retired from calf roping, never, keep calf roping at the Calgary Stampede forever and ever as long as I really live, and I hope calf roping will keep on going forever and ever, YAHOO!” I really just guess this is good your yes physically that you can be going back in time but mentally I do know how to go back in time but I will say because it could never mess up the future, and I REALLY NEED HELP IN LEARNING HOW TO BUILD A REAL TIME MACHINE, SO WE CAN TRY TO BRING THE PAST BACK TO LIFE, RIGHT HERE AGAIN IN REAL LIFE. So then, I really think it’s kind of time for me to grow up and become Joe Beaver. So then, when the real fun really began for me in 1996, because 1996 was when the real top best fun all really began for me that when I was seven years old, when we were on a trip to Florida, my dad went to one of the Western stores, and I remember at the age of seven, I remember I picked up my first rope, and I used to use that rope a lot I think all the time, until I wore that rope out a bit, maybe. So then, after I was really right that instead of the 1960’s, going back to the real fun, is really of 1996, that’s when the whole real top fun of the rodeo all really began, so that meant other people in the real years of 1996-present could live in those real times of 1996 and others in the real right place. So then, at first, when I was a kid, when I was in my house, in the bonus room or in my bedroom, I think I used to practice all of the seven rodeo events, thinking that I might’ve thought what event would I really be doing a lot, as I used to pretend to practice a lot of steer wrestling, bull riding and calf roping. So after, thinking about all of the seven events, so I guess then, in the year 1999, then I decided, “If “The King of the Ropers” was going to win a real world championship at all real western rodeos and open rodeo ropings instead of trying out all seven events, I’d have to win it roping calves–an event in which I would own a lot of world titles forever and ever for many more years, just to show how tough I can be at and after 99 years of age when I keep roping as you know what. I’m gonna want to become a calf roper, YAHOO!” because when I had said that even though people will forever and ever still always know that there’s forever gonna be another John Denver and of course, another John Wayne (the Duke), as we listen to and watch John Denver’s music and John Wayne’s western movies, then, I figured for the real fun times by way of is to really just say, “Is that instead of trying to live with and going back in time with the 1960s-1984, again forever and ever, let’s just say that from now on, we’ll still build and have a real time machine to go back in time as the time machine and time travel are also both non-fiction as we can still go backward and repeat the same ones is only for when the newer ones of the real fun was when it really began of the only ones that’ll forever and ever come back to us again forever and ever in real life of only the great top best real rodeo DVDs and on TV channels from when the real fun that began from 1996-present that contains just to show that I had to show the real truth as it really shows that I had to show the truth in the real ways to still move backward as well, too. And that the real done deal top truth is that 1996-present really began for a lot of fun in the real right place and the real right time — you are worthy to have your heart’s true desire from the real truth of when the real new fun that began in 1996 and all the way to the present and to keep moving both forward and backward, as there’ll forever still be another 1996-2010-present, and there’ll forever and ever still be another John Denver, another John Wayne, another Joe Beaver, another Josh Peek and another 1996-2010, and those are for the real top fun best real rodeo seasons, as but the dots are where I really say that they are. And that the real done deal top truth is that 1996-present really began for a lot of fun in the real right place and the real right time — you are worthy to have your heart’s true desire from the real truth of when the real new fun that began in 1996 and all the way to the present and to keep moving both forward and also of course, forever backward, as there’ll forever still be another 1996-2010, and there’ll forever and ever still be another John Denver, another John Wayne, another Joe Beaver, antoher Josh Peek and another 1996-2010, and those are for the real top fun best real rodeo seasons, as but the dots are where I really say that they are”, as going back to the real fun is really of 1996-present, that’s when the whole real top fun of the rodeo all really began, so that meant other people and other new born ones and few others could really go back in time, right here again, in real life in the real years of 1996-2010-present could live in those real times of when the real fun that really began was in 1996 and others in the real right place, because 1996, Joe Beaver won his second world title in the All-around cowboy championship. So then, I guess then, in the year 1999, then I was just right decided that 1996 was when the real fun of the rodeos had really began in the real world and right place, as 1996-present, all here for the real right place, because I just said again, “You know what. I’m gonna want to become a calf roper, YAHOO!” You know that originally back in the days of the late 1880s, rodeos originally began from the cattle drives off the ranches and the first real contest staged rodeo originally first took place at Prescott, Arizona, as the name of the rodeo was called “Prescott Frontier Days” and it was the world’s oldest rodeo and the first rodeo took place for audiences in 1888, and that was the first formal rodeo ever held. So then, I really figured that instead of trying to live with and going back in time with the 1960s-1984, again forever and ever, let’s just say that from now on, we’ll still build and have a real time machine to go back in time as the time machine and time travel are also both non-fiction as we can still go backward and repeat the same ones is only for when the newer ones of the real fun was when it really began of the only ones that’ll forever and ever come back to us again forever and ever in real life of only the great top best real rodeo DVDs and on TV channels from when the real fun that began from 1996-present that contains just to show that I had to show the real truth as it really shows that I had to show the truth in the real ways to still move backward as well, too. And that for me becoming a real professional rodeo cowboy, the real done deal top truth for me sounds correct and true is that I would say that from now on, 1996 was at first when I think the real fun of a lot of the rodeos really even began, and that’s when the real right place came about, so it could be just only to think about 1996-present. The real top only best correct rodeo years of 1996-present really began for a lot of fun in the real right place and the real right time for the real done deal as when new people were born, they could really go back in time to the real rodeo funs from the top best ones of 1996-present, 1997-2000, 2001-2007, 2008-2010, just to say that this is all the real rodeo fun, right here again, in real life, forever and ever, and it’s the real done deal — you are worthy to have your heart’s true desire from the real truth of when the real new fun that began in 1996 and all the way to the present and to keep moving both forward and backward, as there’ll forever still be another 1996-2010-present, forever and ever, just to say that 1996 was all when the real rodeo fun had really begun in the real right place instead of the old 1960s-1984, as this was the real done deal!

Can’t the time travelers just hear about it from the attendees, and travel back in time to attend?
Yes, they can! In fact, we think this will happen, and the small number of adventurous time travelers who do attend will go back to their “home times” and tell all their friends to come, causing the convention to become a Woodstock-like event that defines humanity forever.
Unfortunately, we of the real presents (1996-2010) actually really do have time travel, and so we don’t only have one chance at observing the convention, as it can be repeated forever and ever hopefully. If the time travelers really do leave us their secrets, we will be able to go back in time and see our convention in all its glory unless it is publicized in advance and we can go back in time.

Right now, I still didn’t put too much pressure on myself in this e-mail, you know that, I didn’t put too much pressure on myself in this e-mail, just because I gotta try and show the real serious truth to try and make this dream come true so I can one day hopefully ride a Quarter horse and keep working hard to winning world championships like Ray Wharton, Joe Beaver, Josh Peek and many other great calf ropers, and I felt I could really rope and tie just like them and I still want to go back in time to those calf roping images to try to think about what the outcome is like in the swing of the loop before it was thrown and the number of wraps of what do they tie up the legs of the calf life, which is why I really need this help, because, I would like to be there when all of that had happened, and I will again be back in those same years, just to try to think of how the outcome was, I hope to really get this help somehow, OK?

One thing I would like to tell you is the depression will forever and ever bring the past back to life, and I know it really will, as hopefully I still want to work hard to get to the open calf ropings forever and ever rather than going to the college rodeos and still keep hopefully trying to keep on going forever and ever to open calf ropings when I’m at 99 years of age and the professional rodeos at 99 years of age just to try to keep roping at the open ropings of the Mo’betta calf roping in Apache, Oklahoma and the Spicer Gripp Memorial Roping in Hereford, Texas at 99 years of age and keep roping and competing at the NFR at 99 years of age forever and ever, which is why I just wish I could be roping at clinics more often and the real professional rodeos more often, just because I really like to practice and do a lot of calf roping for real scientific precision and action, as I wish I could keep roping in the NFR more often forever and ever, just to hope I can still keep forever and ever rope in the NFR forever and ever, just to try to show the crowd that I could be tough to rope and tie very fast at 99 years of age and 999 years of age with all the young and old competitors so they could think that I was one of the true calf ropers that had ever lived forever and ever for a lot of decades, centuries, milleniums and years and just to keep living forever and ever.

Hopefully really just type soon and see what you think of the images,
William (the true Canadian-American tie-down roper: King of the Ropers) :)

P. S. Sometimes on the weekends, I kind of sometimes might come over to Kelly’s to just to try and pracitce a little more riding and roping on the horse as I hope Hannah and I can ride over to some person’s farm someday to lasso and tie up a real live calf, just to show how I can do it for a rodeo, as long as I hope it’ll happen for me to try and gallop and lasso a real live calf at someone else’s barn, I would hope. You see, I taught myself how to rope from watching the Calgary Stampede on TV and nobody never taught me how to rope, I just taught myself, but I will say that I never went to a roping school & never considered myself as an amateur roper so I’ll still really need to hopefully need help that forever & ever I’ll hopefully try to still rope in the open ropings and professional rodeos all over US & Canada, I hope? Chris, believe me that from now on, there’s still forever gonna be another 1996-2010, right here again in real life to watch the same whole rodeo seasons again, as they’ll forever be repeated again, hopefully, as time can also run backward, I really need to hope, it someone could help me?

Kylie March 5, 2011 at 3:42 pm

I remember the first time I read the idea that in 100 years time everyone now alive will be dead (it was in an A.S Byatt book, she is wonderful) and it blew my mind. It’s so easy to rumble along, assuming we will do so forever, despite the constant barrage of evidence to the contrary. We have to keep waking ourselves up.

I like this quote, and I’ve been reading it regularly lately to try and keep myself alert:
“When people say to me, ‘How do you do so many things?’
I often answer them, without meaning to be cruel
‘How do you do so little?’ It seems to me that people have vast potential. Most people can do extraordinary things if they have the confidence or take the risks. Yet most people don’t.
They sit in front of the telly and treat life as if it goes on forever.” – Phillip Adams (quoted in ‘Change Your Thinking’ by Sarah Edelman)

Thank you David for another excellent post.

David March 8, 2011 at 7:28 pm

Hi Kylie. Fantastic quote. I’m going to remember that for a long time.

Gene May 10, 2011 at 7:30 pm

wow, and I thought I was the only one who thought this way.

MK July 28, 2011 at 7:47 am

Nice post. I appreciate the way you put life in words!

Dennis August 22, 2011 at 11:45 am

really love this!i want to share! :) fits for all photographers.

Rudri September 3, 2011 at 2:01 pm

This is a great post. Teaches a lot about living one’s life. But it is saddening too.. there are so many people, relationships, moments that you want should be with you forever. While nothing is constant, one can certainly hope that they/its with you forever.
On the other hand, we have ‘The Secret’, which tells us how we must always be positive and focus only on what we want.. While such posts remind us that nothing is the same and that we must live in the moment, being positive is also very essential. I guess that’s the best way to live life: stay positive, focussing on one moment at a time. Living life in such a manner that we have no regrets..

Once again, a great post! :)

Gita Madhu November 23, 2011 at 9:20 pm

Thanks to chancing upon your blog, it’s an incredibly beautiful morning. Just the other day, I was processing a “mood” based on what I perceived as “true to type” behaviour in a certain person. And I was able to tell myself that nothing is ever the same, this situation is totally fresh and valid only for the brief time. You have put all this very smoothly and with a lot of widom for one so young

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Henry Fry October 31, 2012 at 5:06 pm

A relevant poem on a similar theme:


Greta post, thanks.

Galina May 9, 2013 at 8:55 pm

So beautiful it made me cry! Thank you, David!

Arun Soni March 15, 2014 at 10:36 pm

Its a damn depressing post..reminding us of worst times to come..Although true, but need not to scare us. You can’t scare us to make us live in the moment. Thats not the way

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