Back in June when I announced I was taking a big trip to New Zealand, I mentioned I would be opening up a new section of the site, called David Goes Kiwi.
Well, with my trip only days away, it’s finally here! You can find it at the easy-to-remember URL I’ll be posting my verbal and photographic accounts of the trip there, on a frequent but irregular basis. As far as I can foresee I will continue my twice-weekly articles here at Raptitude.
To get you acquainted with this new baby of mine, today’s post is on David Goes Kiwi. Enjoy.
Photo by Sh0dan
How fun~ hope you can keep up with yourself ~:-)
I’m an avid traveler-without-moving.
I read it… I love it… I subscribed!
.-= Lisis´s last blog ..Adventure: The Lake Champlain Giant Pumpkin Regatta =-.
Looking forward to seeing the sights through your photos, and reading about your great adventure.
.-= Erin´s last blog ..Inspiration =-.
Thanks ladies. Looking forward to seeing your familiar avatars too, when I’m many miles from home.
Look forward to your pictures and adventures!
.-= Kaushik´s last blog ..Positive Thinking =-.
I look forward to your Kiwi Adventures. When you learn to surf, let me know how it goes :)
Will it be whisked into my reader along with the regular Raptitude-ity?
.-= Hayden Tompkins´s last blog ..How to Sabotage Your Income =-.
I decided to keep it a separate blog completely, so you’ll have to subscribe to David Goes Kiwi also in order to get it in your reader.
The link to subscribe is here:
Subscribe to David Goes Kiwi
Hi David,
So the time is here! Yay! Congrats on the new site too.
Safe travels and I definitely look forward to hearing about your journey. :)
Thanks Nadia. Seems like not that long ago that I was telling you about this big trip six months down the road. Time flies.
I’m so excited to read about your travel journey. I have a quick question. Since David Goes Kiwi is a part of Raptitude will it still come to the feed reader or do we need separate RSS subscriptions?
.-= Nea | Self Improvement Saga´s last blog ..What It Really Takes to Achieve the Impossible =-.
Thanks Nea. It is a separate RSS feed. I decided to keep it a totally separate blog.
The link to subscribe is a few comments above this one.
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