South Island, New Zealand, a.k.a. Middle-Earth
If you were to make a list of what you want to get done this week, it would mostly consist of things you have to do. Get groceries. Book a hair appointment. Get back to so-and-so. Read that health and safety thing for work.
If you were to make a list of things you want to get done in the next two years, it would probably be more personal and more empowering. Learn to record my own music. Double my client base. Set up my dream office. Write my screenplay. The list would contain fewer things you must do –- since, by definition, those things will get done anyway — and more of what you actually want to do with your life.
We usually call these optional aspirations goals, but doing so immediately introduces a few problems that make them less likely to happen.
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I'm having similar experiences w/r/t withdrawal symptoms. Little soundbites come through to me and there's a strong urge to pull on the thread and find out where it's coming from. I find it especially frustrating when I sense that I'm being given a "spun" version of what's happening -- normally...